Flower Subscription / CSA


Welcome to the 2024 Prairie and Fern Bouquet Subscription for fresh cut flower bouquets once a week!

We offer the most current colors and trends in cut flowers for the spring/summer months, filled with unusual varieties, and beautiful, airy fillers:

  • Mid/end April to mid/end May, (dates tbd, 4 weeks) tulips, daffodils, anemone, Iceland poppies, the beginning of sweet peas and ranunculus are the centerpieces of these bouquets, along with fresh bright greens to fill out the bundles.

  • July— the best of all worlds! The end of the spring flowers and beginning of summer varieties— snapdragons, sunflowers, zinnia, cosmos, amaranth, and by mid/end July, dahlias!

  • August— summer’s best: dahlias, sunflower, zinnia, cosmos, amaranth and loads of surprises!!

  • September— everything summer has to offer, and the full bounty of dahlias!

  • October— the last of the dahlias and zinnias, sunflowers, and all the harvest-themed florals.


  • 4 week subscription: $100, pick spring/July/August/September/October

  • 8 week subscription: $185, pick spring/July/August/September/October

  • 12 week subscription, $275, pick spring/July/August/September/October

  • 16 week subscription, $350, all months of flowery goodness!

October (mid month) add-on:

  • 1 package of 3 large heirloom (chef’s choice) pumpkins, 6 miscellaneous decorative gourds, and an everlasting (dried) harvest bouquet: $50

We will offer pickup locations in Vancouver(*), East Vancouver and Camas!

* if you own a business or have a pickup location near downtown Vancouver, open on Fri/Sat, please reach out to us!

Please complete the form below to sign up for a flower subscription